Thursday, April 17, 2008

getting fat

I have decided that I was much skinnier during that time when someone stole my computer. Without my computer, I have no entertainment source. Aka, I have nothing to eat and look at. I don't use the tv, so that's not so much a problem. But what I basically use this computer for is, (get ready for this important info..)

1. facebook every other day.
2. watching movies
3. occassional email check. (very occassional... like once a month.)
4. .. hmm.. that's it. Oh wait no, this blog that I am writing on right now.

So usually before I go to bed I watch a movie or part of a movie. Then what do I do while I watch that movie? Eat a sandwich, or some chocolate, or... who the hell else knows. Whatever I have in my house. Which is usually something random. I don't even necessarily have to be hungry. I don't think I ever am hungry. I guess I really only have one true talent, and that is eating. People always say, ' I could never eat that.' or 'Gosh, I am so full.' I don't think I have ever said these words. Or if I say, Gosh, I am so full, it's after I've already eaten 3,000 calories and am STILL eating. I do however say, ' I should probably stop eating now.' But then I keep eating.
I am also much more tired after working day shift. I am not someone who likes waking up at 5:30 am. When you wake up then, you should go to bed by at least 10, and I am not good at doing that either. Even if I do go to bed at 10pm, I am still ridiculously tired the next day. When I worked evenings I had tons of energy. I went to bed around 1:30 and got up around 9/9:30. Then I would wake up and drink coffee and work out and then come back and do something random for an hour or 2, like go on the internet, or go read at caribou, or clean. Then I worked and came back and went to bed. Now I get home from day shifts and I have no energy to do anything. I just sit on the couch and tell myself to do stuff. I think I am actually more tired after working day shifts than I am working night shifts. More tired= less energy=more laying=more watching movies=more eating=getting fatter. So maybe, if I broke this computer or someone stole it again I could take out a step in that process. Then since I would have nothing to do I would have to go workout, or read, or play piano. All which of are hard to do while you are eating something.
I wish I had a best friend anorexic, and she wanted to hang out ALL of the time. I would be all, 'I'm hungry.!' then she'd be like.. no you're not.. lets drink water! 'Okay ! Good Idea anorexic best friend.' Or, I could eat an apple, then we could split it and each have only 25 calories instead of 50.

I shouldnt' have started talking about food. I would really like a taco right now. Did you know I went to taco bell the other day, and I couldn't find my credit card right away, and the girl was like, ' don't worry about it.. you can just have it.' WHAT!? HAve this burrito1!?!? for FREE!?!?!? She's amazing. I love her. I also love burritos. That was a great day. I also love Ice cream.. although I have never gotten that for free, mostly because it is so good that I will pay for it every time. However, everything is put into proportion when compared to mcdonalds ice cream cones. For example, you could be buying a shirt, and the shirt could cost $24. That's 24 Mcdonald's ice cream cones. Do you really want that shirt? I wouldn't buy it. Especially if I did buy those 24 ice cream cones I probably would not want to see myself in the shirt, unless the shirt was an xxxxL. I basically eat ice cream everyday. There is a frozen yogurt ice cream thingy at work and everyday I make myself a cone. Everyday. It usually rounds out to be about 46 cents. Which I would save over time a bunch of money if I didn't eat ice cream.. or anything else.
That really makes me want to be an anorexic. You would save so much on food. Sweet Jesus.

Well, I am going to go do some drug test for ICU. Should be good. Maybe I'll go eat some food while I'm taking the test. Even better.


turs said...

i want a chalupa. also about 3 different people told me i look like crap tonight. thanks. thanks a million. you look like crap too.

Unknown said...

Pretty sure your blog made my morning. Good going, Annie.