Saturday, September 6, 2008

his name is Tim!

His name is Tim.

I didn't get to sit by him yesterday because a girl I knew from marching band sat by me. Which was cool too, because it was fun to talk to her about when we twirled flags. I am a nerd.
Then we took our quiz, which I surprisingly understood and was the second person to finish. But then I wanted to borrow the teachers book ( he has the most recent textbook and gives up practice questions...) So I was waiting outside the room for the class to get done so I could go up to his office with him. While I was waiting in the hallway, cute face walked out. It's like I can't look at his face and talk at the same time. It's too distracting. So when he asks me questions I'm like. hubbbllhhaaa juuhahnaaa. That must be asian and spanish mixed togethor. Maybe some arab. (arabian?) This was the conversation: (it was a long one!... as in like at least 40 seconds)

Him: How was that for ya?
me: (thumbs up) I think it went okay, but I kind of panic and do everything really fast, so I guess we'll see.
him: Yeah, I know what you mean. Did you do your homework already?
me: nope. Do you still want to to it togethor?
him: that would be great. What time works for you?
me: ummm....... ... . ? Sunday?
him: okay. Where shoudl we go? The library?
me: sure. Would you rather do it a different day? Is Sunday okay? (Thank god he said a building that I know where it is... I know 3 buildings on campus. library, admission, science building)
him: No, no, Sunday is great. Except I don't even know your name. What's your name?
me: oh yeah, sorry! Annie. (this is where the awkward part was I was really distraught that we were actually going to study togethor and my brain was melting out of my face... and I said,)
What are you?
(then I looked away and said) WHat are you? Did I really just say that?
Him: (laughing) Tim. Nice to meet you. (then we shook hands.. but it was more like a limp embarrased shake on my part because at this point in time I must have been looking at his face, and as I have mentioned before, I cannot do two important things at one time. Like look at a face and talk.)

Then he put my number in his cell phone to call later about when /where we would go, etc...
Then he said to havea good weekend. Then I shit my pants and threw up in the hallway when he left. Not really, but I could have. I probably will now re-thinking the moment in my head. That's all . Bye!

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