Saturday, September 22, 2007

work. again.

I would write about something other than work, but nothing is really happening except that. I finally got some sleep last night. A whole lot of sleep. 15 hours to be exact. Damn good thing i work afternoon shifts, because I didn't wake up until 2. Other than that, I went to work. Which sucked. Kim the charge nurse is evil and decided that we didn't need any more people for afternoon shift besides Dave and I. Dave is the charge nurse, and I am the only other nurse, for the whole unti. Good thing we only started out with 7 patients. So I took 5 and dave took 2. Not the safest thing, but whatever. Then we got 4 admits. It pretty much blew. I also threw up for the first time at work. You see gross stuff everyday, but for some reason, this time it got to me. you think I would have thrown up from like pus or sputum chunks, or something actually gross. No. I threw up over somethign pathetic. The most pathetic thing you can throw up over. Poop. For some reason it had a really weird smell. Like carnation milk rotted, sulfur, microwave dinner (with meat), and that smell that when they try to clean the carpet in a down/hallway and it smells like molded ass. Mix all of those togethor in a really thick smell. It's so embarrassing throwing up in front of someone. Especially if you're throwing up because of one of their bodily secretions. So as soon as he stood up off the comode I brought it to the bathroom and turned on the water and threw up in his commode. Which thankfully wasn't much because when there are only 2 nurses you dont' get a dinner break.
i guess that's all I have. I stayed late because 2 more admits came at shift change and I thought I'd help. I know, what a caring person I am.
Oh wait, I am going to vent about this guy that drove me crazy. Every time I came into his room, even if it was to give him ONE pill I'd be in there for 20 minutes. He was so f'ing slow. Even with his talking. Are you comfortable in bed? 10 seconds.... 20 seconds..... 30...... Orville...... ARE you comfortable !? ' mmmmmmm' 10 seconds..... 20...... 'maybe could my head go up higher.' Nope, it's all the way to the top. Would you like some pillows behind your back? Same deal. Until 20 questions and 40 minutes later I could figure out what the hell he wanted. Then I had meds to give him. I'd fill up his water glass, because for some reason he needed a full glass of water to swallow flippin half of a pill. Then I would have to manually put the pill in his mouth, but not all the way, he yelled at me for that. I would have to hold the pill until he could hold it in his two front teeth. Then he'd sit there and breathe loudly for 3 minutes. then Drink some water. Then after he drank the water he'd make all these comments. "son of a bitch' blah blah blah. Move my legs up. I'm cold bring me more warm blankets. Then I was changing a bandage on his foot. Which was literally a scrape. One worthless scrape. One layer of skin. No bleeding no scabs no drainage, no redness. One f'ing scrape under a 2x2. I was taking the tape off and he kept flippin swearing. OUCH . mother @#*"(&@3 shit damn @#*("&#@. Then, I put a new 2x2 with some bacitracin on. @#*("&%@!(#*$&!@#*%&@#($*#%~$(#^& wtf. Then, he was ready to take the other half of his pill. Same thing, put it in his mouth for him. Then I tried to help him with the water, but apparently I moved the water to his face too fast. I hadn't even poured it into his mouth yet. Another festival of swearing. TELL me when you're going to put the water to my mouth. I did tell you. three times. Crazy face. Then he'd make me get him up to go the bathroom.... when he had a foley in. He definitely moved really fast, and I didn't have to lift his 300 pound ass off the bed. Wait... nope. that was a lie.
A bunch of other stuff happened but I'm too tired to write anything down. However I do enjoy working with Dave. He is hilarious, and smart, and not uptight. It's just me and him for saturday and sunday as well. Looking forward to another day with orville the slowest angriest person on earth. Bye!

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