Sunday, September 23, 2007

penis blister

So, this one patient today, the same guy I talked about below ( slow face angry 'helpless' swelled up mcgee.) Anywho, he has a penis blister. How in the hell do you get a penis blister? I could understand if you were running for a couple hours.. naked.. you could get possibly a ball blister/chaffing, but this blister was right on top of the penis. It wasn't small either. About the size of a quarter, but a little more oval shaped. Any guys out there who have had, or know of someone who has had a penis blister, please enlighten me on how the devil that happens.
Other than that, nothing super interesting happened today. I cleaned my... oh shit. I just wrote a paragraph and it erased itself. Booo. Well, I took a sleeping pill about 20 minutes ago and now I'm kinda dizzy and can't see, so I guess that means it's time for bed.!! yay!!! Then I can wake up at 8 and drive to st cloud and pick up the rest of my crap and drive back and work. What an exciting day. amazing. Okkaayy.. . this blog was dumb . bye!


Deer Laker said...

This is only a guess, but the only explanation I can think of for a penis blister is masturbation.

Sarah said...

Annie. I almost had to leave my underwear blowing in the wind just now.....I almost peed my pants when I read your blog. Hil-freaking-larious. Keep it up.
Bucky says..................ubmh......helloooo......I'


gastricbypassisthewayforme said...

wait. can i be a team member?