Sunday, September 16, 2007


So right now I'm just transferring all of my 874 songs.. individually.. onto my computer. It's been a good hour and a half. I think I have 100 done. I'm glad I'm the only one that reads this blog so nobody else has to know about my pathetic l.ife. haha.
You know how your mind just starts to wonder sometimes? Well, I was kind of thinking about indians.. the cool indians.. from ilke 1650.. or whenver they lived. What did the women do when they had their periods? Can bears really smell menstration? For that matter, what the hell do whales do? They are mammals.. Huge ginormous mammals. What happens when they menstrate? Aren't sharks flippin amazing at smelling blood? Like a drop in ever 50,000 gallons? ( yes, i Do watch the discovery channel..) I'm sure a whale period is a shit ton of blood. enough for about 5 billion gallons. Do sharks just not eat whales? Or do whales just never get the chance to have a period because they just get knocked up again before it can start?
So many questions. So little time. except for right now of course because i am just constantly clicking clicking clicking clicking from file to file. woop woop.
Another random question, still about the indians. I kind of started wondering where they went to the bathroom. Would there be a designated spot? Like the shitting hole? Or does everyone just go wherever they please? If they did that then people would be walking around stepping in eachother's shit. Then they'd swear indian at eachother. Or be like, damnit 'rain in the face' why didn't you shit in the woods?
well well. I better get back to clicking . I'm at least 3 songs behind now.

1 comment:

Deer Laker said...

Tell some more about rain-in-the-face.