Monday, December 15, 2008

hedgehog pimp

The hedgehog pimp!! He was on one of my facebook friends's pictures. Um... almost as hilarious as the horse picture. He's got some british money. Maybe he'll go buy some tea with that, and some ho's. I want to get him a grill and some chains. What's even funnier is that one of the comments for this picture was.

-'I used to have a hedgehog named bryce. He died of a stroke though. Sad.'

Umm... what? lol. equally as funny as the picture.

Nothing new here. Just studying... more and more. Re-doing all the homework we got from this class to study for the final. Should be amazing. Should be.. it IS!
oh yes, my newest career idea. ( I know I know, another one. Why am I so indecisive?) I'm actually excited about this one. I could get my nursing masters, and then be a nurse specialist in wound care. I can assist with woundy surgeries, and dress wounds, and put drains on things. (You have to be careful when using pus as an adjective.... I have found this out the hard way...) Then suck it out with cool machineries, and I would only have to be in the person's room for however long it took me. I could also set up drainage bags for ostomy poop holes, and teach people how to set up their drainage bags. Schweeeet! Then see infected drainage bag hole ostomies. I think my mouth is watering. Alright, that's all for now. bye!

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