Saturday, February 9, 2008


TOday at 4am I leave with my mum and sister to go to the cayman islands!! YAY!!!! not here!!! yay!!!
I'm pretty excited for it. I had the flu for the past 5 days. Which was a pretty awesome time to be sick when it's your b-day. Ohh well.. THen while I was sick I was running to the BR to forcefully vomit, when I stepped on one of my headbands. THe headbands that are like the combs. SO, that impaled itself into my heel. I didn't realize I had stepped on anything and I heard a funny noise. Then I realized. Oh shit, I just punctured my headband/comb into my foot. IDiot. Then I was hobbling to the bathroom to throw up after that. Today I woke up with a really swollen eye. I looked in the mirror and thought I saw quazimodo on the other side. Hilarious. Then I hunched my back and walked up to my mom and was all, 'Master!' She didn't think it was that funny. She just said, 'what's wrong with your eye?' I thought it was funny. Well. I'm going to go workout for the first time in like 6 days. I can't remember the last time I took a 6 day work-out break. pretty cool. That's all. Nothin new. Leaving in 16 hours. HOlllllaaaa

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