Friday, July 11, 2008


The traithlon is in 2 days.. 3 days? What day is it? All I know is that my co-worker, Jan Skogen, is amazing. She was on vacation and picked up my day for me. I had originally planned on switching with this other lady but her stupid brother in law died and she changed her mind. (actually I do have some pity for her... ) So I called about 500 people after she decided she actually couldnt' work, and I think I had tried 70% of my coworkers... except for the people who were already working on that day, which are basically the only people I didnt' call. Anyways, she was on vacation and I called her just to see.. She didn't even ask me why I needed it off. She just said, this sunday? Days? yeah, I can do that for you annie. ( I did offer her my first born child though.. maybe that did it.) Who knows. She is amazing. Straight up amazing. I'm going to buy her some more coffee. I just bought her some last month after she stayed a extra 2.5 hours to help me put in a temporary pacemaker. I love jan skogen. Love her.
I was also swimming last night at the YMCA, and there was this boy I was swimming with who had a Triathlon water bottle. I was going to talk to him about triathlons, but I accidentally swam into him.. or he swam into me. It was hilarious. I guess you don't really watch where you're going when you're swimming, you just look at the floor. So it was kind of a surprise reaching out to do a stroke and feeling someone's face. Then we both looked up and were like.. woah shit! Sorry! He thought we were swimming in each half of the lane, and I thought we were swimming in circles. We probably should have cleared this up earlier, but whatever. So after that awkward happening, ( we were at the end of the lane fixing our goggles. I usually 'fix' my goggles when I get tired. This old man told me to try it once. He was like, 'if you're tired just pretend like you're goggles are broken. .. works like a charm!' He was a funny old man. ) Anyways, I just blurted out,

So, Do you do triathlons?
-yeah, what made you think that?
Your waterbottle. (I wanted to say, 'you're amazing physique.' But probably only i would have thought that was funny.
'Oh yeah, that was from the one a couple weeks ago in alexandria.'
'I see. I signed up for one on sunday in st cloud. I'm kind of nervous.'
'oh, you mean the graniteman tri?'
'um. yeah. I actually think that's the name of it. ARe you in thatone too?'
'Yeah, I'm also doing the timberman triathlon -in grandrapids.'
'isnt' that the day before the other one?'
'you're amazing.'
'mmm.. not really. I just wanted to all of the mn 'tri-harder' ones. '
(this is weird because I actually knew what he was talking about from looking at so many online.)
Then I said, well.. I'll see you on sunday. If I can get off work.'
Then he started laughing really hard.. ' you mean you signed up for it and you don't even know if you can go? Nice work. Nice.'

(this was obviously before I had talked to the amazing loveable jan skogen.)

We talked for a while, and found out we were both doing the brewhouse tri in duluth as well.
Then he asked probably the dumbest question ever.
'So, you have been training?
and running too?

I just wanted to be like, 'Oh shit!! There's biking in this?! Crap. I am SO screwed. Is the biking a big part of it? '

Then he asked another dumb question. 'Do you swim here often?'
I felt like I was in a bar. However, he was a nice person in general. Nice to swim with, except for when I crashed into him. Or vice versa. I'm sure I'll see him again. At least 2 times.

Then I just said,' good luck!! you should cheer for me when I come in last. I'm sure by that time you will have finished the race, eaten a sandwich, drank some water, gotten a massage, gone to the bathroom.. you know. The usual. See ya later!'

Also, off the topic. I totally cleaned my house today. for 4 hours. And it's STILL dirty. I can't get anything organized to move. I basically just moved stuff around for 4 hours trying to figure out what to do with it. Oh well. If anyone has a pickup truck they want to just bring to my house, and then to the dumpster a couple times that woudl be great. I find I just throw stuff away without caring. I'm giving away probably 1/3 of my wardrobe to goodwill. Some of the stuff still has the tags on it from when I bought it. Then i'll see a spoon that was under the couch and is dirty with something, and I'll just throw it away instead of washing it. Thsi happens a lot. With many different things. Like with scrubs, instead of doing wash, I'll just go to the scrub store and buy some more. That way I can put off doign laundry for at least one more day. Also, I didnt' feel like washing the tablecloth, there were some crumbs and random pieces of things. Instead of just wiping off the tablecloth and then folding it up .. I just rolled it up as to not let anything fall onto my dirty carpet and just threw it all away.
Well, I'm going to leave for st cloud now. Just thought I'd waste some time so I didnt' have to drive during rush hour. Hollllaaa. Sorry about the boring blog. Nothing to write about. bye!

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