Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Pretty sure everything I write on here is random, I was just too uncreative to think of any title.

Not much to write about. I put my official quit notice in at work. I am officially done with work on Aug. 17th. Well.. work at brainerd. Maybe I would enjoy my work if I continually just kept moving. Like, I only have to work at 45 more places for exactly one year before I can maybe retire. This year went fast. Just think , I only have to do this year 45 more times. Not bad. Not bad at all.

I signed up for some classes at SCSU. Hopefully I can think of something else I would rather do than go to medical school. I'm having trouble thinking of something. I guess if I can't think of something I'll just do it.

hmmm.. what else. I took care of a guy at work the other week who was 82... and had 16 year old daughter. Amazing. He was also a complete asshole. That when my co-worker and I were discussing the situation and came to the realization that hey, even mean people have sex. Even mean old people with retracted wangs and huge ball sacks that swear and are dimented have sex.
Keep in mind this guy used to live in the south.. alabama.. mississippi... who knows. All I know is that I went to get him some coffee and I said, 'Do you like your coffee black?' and he said, 'Just how I like my women.' Then he would continually swear about stuff. At least he made it funnier because of his southern accent. It's always nice to walk into the ICU as a visitor and hear, 'Well this @#*($&%)(@#*!@)(#%& thing hurt my @#(*$&%$(# arm, and there are so many of these worthless @#*($*#(, @#*($)*)!(&%"*#$$**#@@#(#*@* cords. (In an accent)

This is off the topic, but ever notice how some people it is particularily gross imagining them having sex? Like some of my co-workers, it's like.. mmm.. yeah, that would be okay if they had sex. But then, you look at some others.... and even the thought of them doing that is horribly disgusting. It's usually someone that you hate, or even subtly dislike, possibly your superviser. Think of some people for yourself. Then you can laugh about it in your own mind.. with yourself. Cool.

I also saw a really large bug in the parking lot at work. I see lots of large bugs there. Bugs so large they are probably from outer space. I already am super paranoid of june bugs so I watch for flying ones, ones on the ground that I may step on.. etc. I also try to park as far away from any lights as possible so the bugs are not attracted to the heat. There are usually 3-4 different huge-ass bug varieties I see on the way to my car.

1.) The June Bug. Extremely gross. Cruncy. creepy crawly. I imagine them flying into my mouth.. or getting stuck in my hair... (then I would have to try to take them out with my hands and I would probably crunch their crunchy shells and they would be all creepy crawling thick little legs....uggghhh). sometimes i imagine them quick sneakily sneaking into my car before I shut the door. Then I don't know what I would do. I'd probably just get out and walk home. Or go get the security guard. In summary, I hate june bugs. They ruin 1.5 months of summer becuase they are here staring june and usually aren't obliterated until mid july (to be on the safe side...).

2.) This huge ass fly looking thing. It's huge. It's like taking a fly and putting some sort of genetically processed hormone into it and making it into mega fly. I usually see them crawling around, but I saw one flying once. It's mesmerizing. Also scary. Not as scary as when a june bug flies... because they make that awful loud noise. they are so large and fat they were not meant to fly. God was smart. He knew that if there had to be june bugs, he had better make them really noisy so that people can hear them coming in advance and can watch the shit out.

Gosh .. what if you were blind? You would just hear some horribly awful noise. Especially if there was more than one. If I was blind I don't think I would leave my house in the month of june though mid july. GEtting back to the huge fly thing. It's probably .. well, the wing length is about three inches, but it's probably only 1/2 inch thick. The point is it's really scary and disgusting, and makes your whole body shudder. Not as much as the june bug crunch shudder.. but still ... shuddery just the same.

3. Last but not least, the mother of all beetles. REally. I have only seen this beetle in the parking lot of st joseph's hospital. It is the size of 8-11 june bugs molded togethor. To make it worse it is like a greeny-purpley color. awful. and HUGE. I have seen several sizes. the largest was about 41/2 inches long. At least. It looks like it has a bunch of different sections on it's body. AWful. Just horrible. I do not think these can fly though. I have never seen one fly. Plus, if they flew they would probably have to make an even louder noise than a june bug because they would have to try to lift their ginormously heavy bodies through the air. God I hope they don't fly. Although still, it is not as concerning as a june bug because something that big could not fit into my mouth to crunch . I also don't know if their shell is crunchy. It could really be mushy for all I know. The creepy ginorously huge obese purple-y green 4 inch long several sectioned body beetle/questionable anthropod bug. Or is it Arthropod? Who cares. The point it, once again, disgusting. Scary. Awful.
People try to have conversations with me on the way to my car and I'm just like... SHhhhhh!!!!! Listen for the june bugs. If we both listen, and I watch the ground hopefully none of them will end up touching us, or even relatively close to our body. When I'm walking to my car in the dark I am more concentrated than what I ever was at work. I hope there aren't june bugs still during my triathlon on july 12th.... I'll have to get a screen to put across my mouth so I don't eat them. ish. ish ish ish ish ish ish . yuck yucky yuck.
I was trying to figure out what would be worse. Being stuck in a room filled with june bugs or a pool of muskies. I really can't decide. Either way I'd probably just faint and get eaten. At least when the muskies ate me it would be rather quickly. The bugs would be slow and creepy disgusting. ish.

Well, time for bed!

1 comment:

Michael said...

I think those big bug are water bugs. And PS, pretty sure they can fly too. Least I saw one fall from the sky in a rainstorm once...yum.