Yesterday was a real bad day.
I woke up at the usual time, which is you know, whenever. Then I went to go work out. So far, so good. Then I locked my keys in my car, with all the spares inside.
At least it was only 20 dollars to get the door open. In duluth, it's 37$.
By that time I didnt' feel like working out, so I ate food instead. I was going to make some toast. I had exactly one piece of bread left, but I burned it in the toaster.
poop stain.
THen, I went to go tanning. I don't really go tanning, but everybody at work said I should most definitely go.. being I probably wouldnt' be able to walk outside for more than 15 minutes without getting burned when I go on vacation. So I took their advice. I went tanning on the lowest grade possible, for 6 minutes. Then I came home and showered and went to work.
When I got to work I was all.. gosh, my face feels really hot. Then I looked in the mirror. (you think I would have done this before going to work. I guess my appearance doesn't matter too much.? ) Anyways, it was real red. None of the rest of my body had even appeared to have gone tanning. No pinkness, except my pink face. With nicely outlined eye protector thingies. Good look for me that day.
Then all my patients would look at me reallly funny when I came into their room. Then I would have to explain that I went tanning. For 6 m inutes. Pathetic.
Then we got 7 admits at work. 7. super ass shit pile. Especially when you already have 4 patients. It would have been fine if they were normal patients. And could, you know, take care of themselves. But they weren't. I spent 45 minutes in one guys room looking for a 'spider.' that apparently moved so fast I could never catch it. I had to look through 6 of his bags, and the garbage, which was had his old diapers in it. I had to go into his room several thousand times looking for this 'spider.' Luckily, also, on day shift, there was a nurse that had all of the patients I had for e vening shift. Luckily, she didnt' know how to do anything. With anything.
She gave one guy his lantus that was scheduled for 7am at 2:45. Maybe she can't read. That would be a good possibility. She also did nothing to the guy who had a 'spider' in his room somewhere. Including the blood draws she was supposed to do. So I had to do them all for her when I came on to shift. Then change his central line dressing, and heparinize all of them. In that amount of time 2 different admits came to the floor, and I was supposed to do both of them. Which takes about 40 minutes per person. Hope nobody dies while I'm in here doing the work that the day shift labor lady didnt' do. Why do they have ob nurses float to telemetry? We dont' float there...... crazies.
Then this lady that I was admitting. ( She was only 36, and had about 50 billion problems. ) Mostly because this is what she does for her life
Sits at home and eats all day while watchign TV and letting her type two diabetes that she 'doesnt' know about' get out of control. She is on disability, for what I dont' know. Maybe lazyness. Then she acts really helpless and is like, I'm going to need help wiping myself in the bathroom because I can't reach.
At this point in time I don't even want to think about what's growing down there. Then she started complaining the she was goign to leave to go smoke. Which I explained she could not do. Then she started swearing at me and yelling at me for keepign her 'trapped in here.' I told her she could leave against medical advice, but that might be a bad idea if she's having these chest pains. Which I'm sure were real.... super painful. She sits there in bed saying her pain is a 9/10. Which most people would think is unbearable. Except she's just sitting there talking on the phone about one of her drunk friends while eating chips. (she had these in her purse.)
In case anyone is wondering, she is the reason that I am republican. It really pisses me off that I am paying for her .. everything I guess, which she chooses to use her disability and welfare to live at home and do nothing to help other people. Then she comes to the hospital because she doesn't to shit to take care of herself, and I have to pay for all of the pointless tests we do to her, the morphine we give her, basically the 70,000 dollars it costs to keep her in the hospital for 4 days feeding her morphine for her 'unbearable 10/10 chest pain. Even though all of her tests come back negative, and her cardiac enzymes are negative, and she is in sinus rhythym, echo's are negative, chest x-rays are negative. you know, Her pain never changes. She later asked if she could have a foley to go to the bathroom because she was 'too weak.' The charge nurse later came in and talked to her that foley's were for people who were unable to get up, or that it would be dangerous for them to do so. She replied with, 'nobody can make me get out of this bed.'
Awesome. Then she asked for some coffee, Which I brought her, But apparently it was too hot and she spit it all over me. bizzatch. Except you cant' get mad at her, you know, lawsuits and shit. So, you just say, oh I'm sorry. I didnt' think it was that hot. MEanwhile, crazy 'ithink there's a spider in my room' is constantly putting his light on.
So it's 8:30 and I go to grab an orange from my purse cause i havent' had dinner yet. But as soon as i sit down to chart for 5 minutes and eat my orange crazy puts his lights on.
I come back and there's another admit. So I do that one, and I come back and the float nurse was in the process of eating my orange.
This is the evil float nurse. The one that always looks likee she's pissed off. Mostly because she always is. She has done nothign all night. When one of her patients lights goes off she just stays in the chair and looks at the computer and just pretends like nothing is happening. So I have to do it for her. She is evil. An Evil orange eating devil face ass dick.
I wasn't even coming back to sit down. I was coming back because I had to get zofran out of teh pyxis because the admit lady felt nauseated. So I just watched her eat my orange as I ran around to different rooms. Mraw. :(
So I left at 12:45, which is an hour and 15 minutes later than I should have. Which I probably won't get payed for, because st joe's payroll is a dick. So I get home and I'm real hungry but all I have is an eggo waffle... and some mushrooms. So I decided to eat the waffle. I put it in the toaster and reach for the syrrup when I realize the bottom of the syrrup is wet.. and slippery. I stand on a chair to look at the rest of teh cupboard. (this is the very rop cupboard that you can't really see...) and the vegetable oil that I used to make this lady's birthday cake with had leaked all over the cupboard.
How the hell do you clean an oil spill? Call the EPA. ? Anyways, I decided to just kind of slide it into a cardboard box I found in the recycling bag. So I'm trying to slide all this oil into the cardboard box. It's quite a lot of oil.. I remember tightening the oil cap before I put it up there. Thinking that I would be preventing anythign from happning. Wrong. Then the cardboard breaks out on the bottom and the oil goes all over the stove into all of the burner compartments, and on the eggo w affle.
I didnt' even know what to do. I just stood there and looked at everything. Then I ate the waffle. I tried to brush some of the oil off with a paper towel. Whatever. Eat shit oil . So then an hour later when I finished cleaning up that mess. Which is really hard. You use a rag and a towel and it just soaks up the oil. You can't really wash the oil out of the towel. ( tried about 10 times before I just decided to throw the towels and rags away. )
Then I just wanted to go to bed even though I was still hungry. Except the people above me were having a party and I had to listen to the drunk girls scream and the bass pounding through the floor. The stopped around 3 though. So it wasn't so bad.
Today however was much better. Iwent to lunch with michelle. Got some coffee. then I got coffee again at a different place. Then I called this air force lady and she told me a bunch of good things. Then I called my mom and talked to her about the puppies.. Always good. Then I went tanning for 6 minutes and didn't get burned at all. Then I worked out for an hour, and went to this kickboxing class that was really fun. Then I went to the grocery store and bought some more tea because all of mine had been soaked in oil. Then while I was getting the tea I saw that m yfavorite low sugar apple c innamon oatmeal was on sale 5 for $10. (Which is a savings of 6.79 if anyone is concerned.) Then I went to target and I got this really warm blanket that is brown on clearance, and ALSO grumpy/grumpier old men dvd combo for only 6.50. Amazing. Then I went to starbucks and read a book about nutrition food stuff. ( very interesting..) Now I am at home watching grumpier old men and eating apple cinnamon oatmeal. Very very good day. amazing in fact. Couldnt' ask for anythign better really. Thanks God. I owe ya.
That's all.
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