Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Why do I pick up shifts at work? Only God knows. Usually when I leave I am so glad that I just left and I can relish the amounts of time I have before I have to be back. This lady at work asked me if I would want to work 2 night shifts for her. I wrote her an email that said, ' I will look at the schedule, and if it works out, I'll let you know.' The next day I came to work and the switches were already in my box. She just had a note that said, 'Thanks for switching!' Umm..... what? Yeah. That's like me asking her if I can borrow her credit card. Then before she can tell me no I hand it back to her saying, 'Thanks!' But she's old and she knows my mom so I couldn't be like, ' what up bitch... why did you do that?' Whatever. I guess I need the money anyways if I am planning a wedding. Maybe. My wedding isn't going to be that expensive. Especially if I will have to work more night shifts to pay for it. My IPod can be a DJ...... right? Right. Infact, I think I'm going to go look on my mom's computer and see how many patients we have. If it's not many, I'm just going to request off. Is that lazy of me? PRobably. oops.....

Sunday, October 4, 2009


So .... now I haven't written on this in what... 4 months? Next post will be like 5 months from now then. Ooops. Sorry Craig. You are the only one that reads this anyways, and the least I could do is give you something to do besides watch the golden girls, or kathy griffin. Just kidding, but seriously.
I actually have something to write about besides stupid crap. (I'll write about that too, but after the important real information. ) I am engaged! This is also a late positng. It happened about a month ago. Who knew that I would ever get married. WOAH! AND... I just figured out that I could lift up the keyboard from the table and type with it on my lap! NOt that I'm more excited about that than getting married. At least I am getting married to a cool person. Just ignore all those mean, awful, ... mean... horrible blogs that I wrote earlier. I was still in the bitch stage of liking someone. That usually lasts the first 3 or 4 months. I think I just date a new person so I can tear them apart. Not physically tear them up like freddy crueger, or a lion, just mental anguish, (but I only do it behind their back.) Just another bitchy quality that not most normal people have. So the fact that Mark even made it through those first few months must mean that he is Jesus in human form. I probably shouldn't swear in front of him anymore if that's the case. In summary, he is pretty much amazing, and we are getting married on may 14th. Good summary sentence.
Another funny/awkard thing.. Mark actually read those blogs I wrote about him. Yes. HE READ THEM. All of them. Then he told me he read them. I guess that's when we decided that we liked eachother enough to marry eachother. Is that correct grammer? I used the same word too many times. ANyways, he read the blogs and then said to me, 'You know what would be funny, is if we put those at our wedding reception... I mean, not to creep you out or anything.' Then I said, 'That isn't creepy, I'd marry you.' 3 weeks later, DONE. I kind of wrecked the proposal. We were walking out at St. Johns and stopped by a church that is out on a island out there. We walk out there pretty frequently being Mark likes to do photography in his spare time. I thought we were just going to walk out there like we usually do, take some pictures of the sunset, or some planty/outdoorish things, and then leave. We were sitting by the edge of the water and the sun was going down. It was an average sunset. Just kind of yellowish. So after a while I said we should should get up and get back to the car. Then Mark looked at me and said, ' I think we should wait like 10 more minutes.' And I said, 'Why? Are you going to propose?'

I pretty much wrecked his shining moment. BUt, it was still a surprise because I joked about it for 5 more minutes, so I figured he wouldn't do it then because I wrecked it. But then he did anyways. I still thought he was joking the whole time until he pulled the ring out. Then I was like. What? REally? REally? Okay yeah!' What an idiot thing to say. Oh well. I think my idea of love is really scewed from watching so many disney movies. Like... aren't we supposed to be on a boat right now while my tritan father waves good bye? Or, dancing around in a huge ballroom and my waist is so small that you can fit your thumb and pointer finger around it? ( But he can't squeeze too hard, because he would compress my spine and then I would lose the ability to control my bowel and bladder and shit all over the dance floor.) Disney pretty much gives you unrealistic expectations about love, so anything that happens in real life, you are slightly dissapointed. Not that it wasn't a cool proposal. I thought it was. He could have just eaten like 10 pot pies, but hidden the ring inside the pot pies, and then have thrown them up on my lap, and picked the ring out of the vomit and asked me to marry him, and I still would have said yes. (he's that cool.)
Since Mark read that horrible blog, I should say, those horrible blogs, I will write some nice things that he did. He always tells me that I never write anything nice that he does, so here goes.

One time I was havig a bad day and he brought me flowers and put some ice cream in the fridge but he took a permanent marker and erased all the calories off. It was a good effort, but the carb and fat count were still there and I could figure it out being carbs are 4 calories a piece and fat is 9. But I didn't figure it out. I pretended it was calorie-less. So good job.

I lost my key in deer river this weekend and I texted him and told him I was frustrated and sad and angry that I couldn't find my key. I got back to the cabin in DR and tried to call the hyundai dealership in st cloud so they could make me a key. The guy on the phone just said, 'Let me guess your last name... is it wyman?' Um... what the hell. Do you guys have caller ID? Did I accidentally call Miss cleo? No. It was the hyundai people. Mark had already called them and was bringing the car title over to get a new key made for me and brought it up to DR with him the next day.
When I work day or nigt shifts he watched the dog with me. And when I say watch the dog, I mean take her on 5 walks, buy her new frisbees, special bones, and let her sleep on your lap. SOfie loves him more than me.
WHen I'm angry that I can't fix something that is broken he will drive over and fix it. Like the lawnmower, or my car, etc...
IS that good mark? I'll add more later.
Hmm... what else. I will probably increase my point status at work to .75 from .6. Cool story. Put that one in the good story bag. Well, I think I'm gonna go to bed. I had to do something to try and stay up later because I have to work nights this week again. For the 6th week in a row. Jerks. It's time for night nighting.