Monday, November 24, 2008

First days alone

It was my first weekend at work without a preceptor... aka.... Good luck not screwing up annie!! Looking back I did make one mistake. I was transporting this guy out to a medical progressive floor, but first I had to send him to get a V/Q scan. I dont' even really know what that is. Some sort of lung test that tells you if you some sort of ratio about blood flow and airflow. Thank god the patient didnt' ask me what his lung test entailed, because I really didnt' know. I could have made up a magical explanation. That would be funny. It's bad because at work of the first things I think of is, 'wouldn't it be funny if...' because really, i should be thinking, 'what is the correct explanation?' or, 'what should i do to help you?' But the guy was a jerk so I really wanted to just make something up. Like, well first, they use a huge machine to crack your chest open and pour all of this radioactive fluid all over it. Then a gremilin comes out and they put him in there for a while and he looks around and can tell, (because his eyes have x-ray vision,) if you have a PE. I usually am not this mean to people, but I really wanted to be. I mean, its' not my fault that he ate himself into a state of ginormous-osity, and then smoked a whole crapload, had a previous MI, got heart failure and kidney failure and now is an asshole. I would just ask simple questions like, would you like to sit up at the edge of the bed for breakfast?
'GOd DAmmit, I want to sit in the chair, how many times do I have to tell people? But I can't even get into the chair with all of these damn cords all over the place. I need to get the hell out of here.'

Right..(I guess he did answer my question. ' So I'll help you get in the chair then okay? would you like me to use the lift? Or would you like to use your walker?'
Obviously, he chose the lift, aka, no work for him.
So anyways, the doctor came in to see him when he was halfway in the air with the lift and their ass is just hanging out. Usually the most convenient time. That's when the doctor had like 500,000 orders for me to complete, in about 40 minutes. Awesome. That's when he found out he was going to have some , 'lung tests.' We also have these cell phones we carry around. Lots of people call you on these phones. People and doctors that I dont remember their names or ever why they are calling me. Sometimes they just say, 'are you taking care or Mr. So and so? And I say yes, and then they start talking to me about something that I dont' even know is going to happen. In this case, the doctor that had just came in to see the patient left the room, called another doctor on his phone before he wrote any orders in the computer, and then the doctor called me. Ridiculous. But I forgot, I'm a nurse nad have to do approximately 500 things at once. Oh yes, and the whole point of this paragraph, when the transporter came to get the patient we put him in a wheelchair to go down and they wanted him on a stretcher. Whatever. He can stand up and get on the bed when he gets down there.
My other patient down the hall was insane. I guess it wasn't his fault. He was a sicky mc sick. Nobody knew what was wrong with him.. some sort of sepsis from an unknown location. He would just have temps of 104-105. and his blood pressures would go to the crapper. He didnt' respond to anything, except when you touched him he cramped up into a little ball and moaned. That's all he did for 13 hours straight every day that I had him. Flex his arms and legs. Except all the days that I had him I had to bring him 5 billion places, like the mri scanner(that was super fun.... wait... No. ) Especially because you have to change out all your tubing and pumps and monitors to things that have no metal. I didn't even know where the MRI scanner was. To make it worse, the patient didnt' respond to any sort of sedation. Haldol, versed, ativan... did nothing. Nothing. he would lay still if it was completely silent and nobody was touchign him. BUt, you know, a lot of people touched him and it's not quiet in the icu... or in the MRI scanner. He also had to have a lumbar puncture and a picc line placed. No sedation worked for any of that either.
One thing that I think is interesting is that when you go into the mri scanning room with the patient, and the other nurses go back behind the wall/thick window, they ask you if you're pregnant. Because if you're not pregnant, you can't be in there. They dont' care that the mri will do something weird to your body... only the baby inside you. It seems like that for a lot of things. You can take care of this patient with a horribly contagious disease... Unless... you're pregnant. Something else I learned.... I can no longer have 50 bobbypins in my hair when I go to work, because if I have to take someone into the mri scan room you can't have any metal on you because it will fly out into the machine, or make your head vibrate. Thank god I just had a regular pony tail in. phew.

Anyways, I am definitely worn out from work. You wake up at 5:30 in the mornign and don't get home until about 8:30-9, then by the time you shower and eat and crap it's like days you are at work for 13-14 hours. dummmmbbb. Then tonight I work nights, and the next night I work nights. Even though on Fri-Sat-Sun I worked 7A-730p, and now tonight and tomorrow I work 7P-7:30Am. wang tastic. Then I have a Lab on tuesday during the day, which consists of a lab test and huge assignment/report, then on monday after break I have a o-chem test, and then on tuesday after break i have an 0chem lab final. BOooooOooo. Nurse anesthetist is looking better and better..... ppbbbbbbbbbb.

Monday, November 17, 2008


So. since Friday at 8am, I have had....approximately 9 hours of sleep. REal tired. REal. But it's funny because things are much funnier. When you're that tired it's like you're living in a pretend world. I dont' really get stressed out. Like in chemistry if I don't understand, hey, its' okay, because this isn't real chemistry.. this is pretend fuzzy fun world chemistry. ooOOooo. Where right after you went to the class it feels like that class was actually yesterday, or perhaps the day before. awesome.
I don't know what it is lately, but I'm straight up addicted to watching shows with like 600+ pound people. It's unbelievable. Getting that large should get some sort of award. It's not even funny... it's .... unreal. Breathtaking. Like, that pannus of abdominal fat is exquisitely ginormous. It's weird the shapes people's bodies get to when they are like 800 pounds. It's like every part of their body has a torpedo or various sizes coming out of it. If you haven't watched one, I highly recommend it. TLC has some great crap. They wouldn't call it the learning channel otherwise.

Woah hold up.. my dog is trying to chase her tail.... and it was cut off when she was born. Maybe she just is figuring that out now. I bet she's thinking, ' maybe if I turn a little further, dangit, I still can't see it. , now? nope, turn alittle more..'

Anyways, so I was watching a show with this lady who got a bipass done when she was 687 pounds. She was with her 3 helpers and they were trying to get her into the car. I almost peed my pants on this part. Not because she was ginormous, but her exertion and comments sounded just like .. well, someone having an orgasm. lol. Everytime I re-think it imy mind it's funny. If you close your eyes and listen to a really fat person try to transfer themselves it's basically the same sounds. All this really heavy breathing and 'oh my god.' ' i don't think I can do this.' heavy breathing. whining. 'oh god.' heavy breathing, and more whining. 'ohh, lift up my leg!' more really heavy breathing and whining. etc. etc. Then when they sit down, ' oh god, we did it! ' heavy breathing. 'thank you .' lol. I was laughing so hard when I listened to this lady transfer herself into the car. holy god almighty. Hilarious.

what else happened. I can think of a lot of work stuff that was funny, but im too tired to write it right now. If anyone can think of a good excuse of how to break up with mark.. I still haven't done it. That's be great. Thanks. bye!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Breaking up with people is much harder than I thought.. well.. this time it is. Every time I try to break up with him he does something cute and I just can't bring myself to do it. Like I went to his house this one time to study around 5, and after studying for like an hour and a half I was going to leave and go get food, but instead he made me dinner. I was impressed. Like some chicken thing that you actually have to make. That's a lot of work. If someone was at my house for dinner I'd be like.. ' mmm.... cereal? Toast? What tickles your fancy? We have peanut butter!! What's that? Oh I know I know, you were going to pick cereal until I told you we had peanut butter. Yes, it is delectable.'

Then this other time I went over there because I forgot my lab crap at his house. (big surprise.. I forgot something.) So I ended up spending an hour there because he was playing all these songs on his guitar. He even knew the song that they play on the wedding singer .. you know, the one he sings to her while she's on the plane. It was hilarious, and amazing.

Then the friday before I worked he wanted to hang out and I couldn't think of a reason not too... except that I needed to study before our test. ( I had to work over the weekend and knew I wouldn't get anything done..) So instead of doing something fun with his time, like go to the hockey game with his roomates, he drove to my house and picked me up so we could go to caribout for an hour and I could learn. We didnt' even talk. He read his genetics book and I studied chemistry. Then he brought me back at 10 cause I had to work at 7a the next day. I felt kind of like a jerk, but it was his choice to do that boring boringness. Oh, oh, and the best part is that he went to the bathroom in caribou and came out... and he had wet hands!! HE actually WASHED them! With real soap! I asked. Fan flippin tastic. Oh yeah, and he bought me coffee.
So now I don't know what to do. I'll just have to wait until he annoys me again. I am a jerk. ohhhh well.. I am going to go work out now and then finish working on my online work crap.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

get ready for an awkward rest of the year!

I was talking to my doctor friend from brainerd today who implanted a very logical idea into my head. DO NOT date anyone that you have a class with. Seems simple enough. Why couldn't I just follow this simple rule? ppbbbbbb. Oh well. Maybe he doesn't like me either.... because i'm interrupting his videogame time. I'll just use that excuse. I think we should just be friends, i mean, I have a lot of work to do you know, with class.... and work, and my real job. And it looks like you hav ea whooollee lot of virtual people to kill. So .. get to it! bye!
As long as we're on the topic of videogames, I might as well bash them some more. Videogames are introduced to boys.. at what... age 7? 8? Or before? New rule for all moms- DO NOT let your kids play videogames. Not because of the violence or sedentary lifestyle, but for the simple fact that once they start.. they NEVER stop. never. Ever. And if you ever want your child to date someone, or succeed in life, just don't do it. It's like a cocaine addiction. You just have to do it more and more, and are never satisfied because there is always a 'better game' out there. Girls don't have this problem . You don't give girls a gift, such as a doll, when they are 7-8. We don't keep collecting millions of dolls and play with them all day long. We don't continue to buy more and more expensive dolls, and different outfits for the dolls...and nice houses and cars for the dolls. Then we dont' go buy new carpet for the doll's houses, and yard ornaments. We don't ignore our family and friends because we have to go home and play with our dolls, because 'ken was just going to ask barbie out and then you had to go to work. So now, you have to go back and finish.' Ridiculous. Lots of run on sentences.. sorry about that. I just get enraged and i cant' help it. It's like a flow of angry typing. awesome.

I am going to make a new list of things that a guy has to do if I can even think about dating him. That will take away a chance of me dating someone else stupid. Not that Mark is stupid.. oops. He's just an average guy. Boring, boring... and..... boring. I need to date someone really weird who is funny and likes exercising and is riciculously smart. I'd even date a liberal who had all those qualities... well... maybe not. Someone who was maybe undecided politically. There. I'll take that.


2. Has never had a felony.
3. REally smart
4. Super interesting
5. hilarious
6. goes to the bathrom in public places, or the woods. In general, is just not ashamed of pooping, BEcause pooping is fun. One of the most relieving feelings is right before you poop.. that feeling that.... oooo yup, it's coming. a nice big poo. I will soon feel relief, and weigh aproximately 2 pounds lighter. YEEesssssssssss.
7. Hot. Hopefully in high school people nicknamed them, 'the hot.'
8. will do things outside with me and go exercise
9. will avidly make fun of other people
10. Drives a car/owns a car.
11. Has a job, and or, is working towards having a job. A real job. Not mcdonalds jobs. Although I would take that too.. discounts on ice cream cones? Holllllaaaa!!!!
12. Likes dogs
13. Washes their hands and showers at least every 3 days. (He shouldnt' be cleaner than me.. right? :) )
14. Eats tomatoes, and other vegetables. (Hey! guess who's calling right now. Guess who's not answering. ..! )
15.I should have made this like number one or two, but i'll just add it now cause i got distracted, they have to like God.

That's a long enough list. No one will ever fill all of these qualities. Ever. Maybe I'm better off being a lesbian. I'm already halfway there. Look at what car I drive! sweet. Except that 's gross. Okay. Back to learning now. Have a lovely day everyone.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I heart lattes with extra shots.

I have had a terrible headache all day. I realized why at noon when I hadn't had any caffeine yet. So I had 2 excedrins with caffeine. Did nothing. Then I had a diet coke. Did nothing. For a second I thought to myself, 'is this the worst headache of your life?' It wasn't, but whenever I get a headache I think of people having strokes. Or brain tumors. You know, anything that raises your ICP. Anyways, I just had a latte finally at 5:00. Best choice ever. Headache gone. Schweeeeet!! now I'm super hyper. Too hyper to do homework and too hyper to do anything. I really want to have a dance party but now that I live with other people, aka, my parents I can't do that because they'll judge my dancing skills. dag yo.

What do I want to write about.. hmmm... I know. Mark. i have been dating this one kid for like.. mm. i don't know. 2ish months ish. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm a bitch and I find everyone's flaws and magnitude..ize them.. magnetize... magnify!!! that's the word. I magnify them. Maybe I don't magnify his though. He does a lot of ridiculous things. Maybe just plain stupid things. Or annoying things. Here are all the things that annoy me. By the way, I hope he never finds this blog. He would probably come into the house while I'm sleeping and kill me. So, instead of saying these things are directly bad about mark, I will say that these characteristics of a person, you know. ANY person, would be really annoying and or weird.

Thing #1 that is annoying. I don't think he tries very hard at life. Sometimes I try to give him credit and say he's trying, but I don't think he really is. He is one of those peopel that you want to just wring their necks because they are so smart that they don't have to try. So smart, that he won't study at all and because he didnt' study at all he will get a C because he didnt' spend an hour memorizing some facts. That annoys me. Why don't you use your brain to the fullest potential ? I use mine to the fullest potential and then I get a C. But at least my c is well deserved. (by the way, I have a B+ in organic right now... holllllaa back)

Thing #2 annoying: He readily admits to NOT washign hands after 'just peeing' in the bathroom.
ok... really... NOT a good thing to just admit that you don't do. Especially if you are dating a nurse. Then he tries to hold my hands and I get out my hands sanitizer and wipe it between ours. It's pretty romantic. Idiot.
this is his reasoning for NOT washing his hands. and I quote:
'there isn't a point to washing your hands, you don't touch anything.'

okay dumbass, here is a list of things you touch:
1. Your Wang. PRobably not the cleanest thing ever. It's like 3 inches from your butthole. NOT sanitary.

2. The door handle. If there are other idiots like you, which there are, they poop and don't wash their hands and then touch the door handle and get poop particles on the door handle. Then you open the door and get poop on your hands. Then you touch me and I kill you. And don't give me that crap about if people or you pooop and use the toilet paper you aren't actually touching the poop, the paper is. I don't even want to hear it. So gross.

3.) While you are peeing into the trough, some really small particles probably splash back and hit your hands and clothes. Disgusting. Wash your f'ing hands.

4.) Anything that you touch after not washing your hands, door handles, computer keyboards ( they are the grossest, especially after you touch them and you can feel a residue on you rhands.... ish...) Gets full of your urine pee dirtyness. So gross. I am so grossed out. Ish.

Number 3 annoying thing: We don't do anything except lay around. Granted we both work a lot, he claimes he 'doesn't have enough money to go do anything. ' Okay, we did 2 things. We went to amovie and he payed. Then the other week we went to dinner and I payed. That's it. But then he will go and buy a new videogame every week. Literally. EVERY week. Then he puts it on a credit card that he never fully payes off and it just keeps r ackign up interest payments for stupid killing videogames. I kind of want to wring his neck. Incase nobody has noticed there are only 3 types of videogames. Killing, CArs, sports. That really covers all the bases. I don't know why you can't just have 3-5 games of killing. You just walk around with your gun in different scenery in every game. ooOOOoo. you had better make sure you buy 500 different types of killing games because one might have a scene in a buddhist worship place where you can kill people, or inside a forest in vietnam. Or maybe in a submarine. Wow. So many different environments for killing. It's orgasmic. Or... REALLY DUMB.

Number 4 really annoying thing: He is worse at decision making than I am. Like when we went out to dinner I called him and asked him where he wanted to go. He was like. I don't care. Then I said I dont' care. Then after 5 minutes of this I was like, FIne, how bout applebees? THIS IS WHAT HE SAID, ' NO, I dont' like applebees.'

Then we went through the 'i don't care where we go thing... ' again. Then after 5 minutes I said,' ' How about a mexican place. Want to go to mexican village?'
this is what he said,' Gross, no, I hate mexican food.'


Then once AGAIN we went through the whole ' i don't care thing.' I was getting pretty angry at this point and said. Okay, you're the one who has all these food aversions... like you don't like mexican food, or fish, or tomatoes.... so why don't you JUST PICK WHERE WE GO. By the way, who the hell doesn't like tomatoes? He better get his head on straight, because tomatoes are f'ing delicious. Idiot. Finally i just said, Okay I know you eat 3 things. Bacon, Hamburger and bread./potatoes. So why don't we just go to a pl ace where you can get a burger, that isn't applebees. He still wouldn't say a place. MOTHER Of god. pick a damned place. Sorry god.

UGGGggghhhhghghghhghg. I am irate. These are probably small things to be angry about compared to jesse. Like , i'm not mad at mark for stealing 3,000 dollars from my checking account and using it for online gambling. That is a big problem. These are small problems... but can I really continue to date someone who doesn't wash their hands ???? I don't think so. But I don't know what to do because we will have class togethor... every day. Whatever. hopefully we'll just turn into friends and these things might not annoy me as much. mmm.. that was wishful thinking. They will. OH MY GOSH.. I FORGOT ONE.

HE will Not go poop in a public restroom. Like when we were eating dinner he had to poo and wouldn't go in the restaurant, so we left early so he could go home and poo. ... DUMB. REALLY DUMB. So angry right now. So angry.

Ahh. That felt good to get that out. Otherwise he's pretty nice. Well, I am going to go back and work on o chem now. WeeeEEEEEeee!!!! okay bye!